We continue our operations with close connection to one of the largest factories in the world with full integrated production plant on a 100.000m2 area, located in GERMANY, ITALY, SPAIN, TURKEY, MALAYSIA, KOREA, CHINA…
We are commited to the highest standards of business to fulfilling our responsibilities and reliability to our internal and external customers and most of all; leaving a better world to the next generations in every possible aspect by making environmentally friendly manufacturing, supporting the youth to enter business life, gain experience and grow in our company’s own philosophy.
Through the skills and experiences of our company, our vision is to become the biggest leading company in cooking appliances sector with a sustainable growth by bringing our customers; products with quality, operations with ease and flexibility, technical and marketing services with creativity.
People: Be a great place where people can work to accomplish achievements in their business and social lives. Variety and Customer Focused: Meet the customers’ desires and needs in every market. Productivity and Experience: Be a highly effective, lean and sustainable organization. Planet: Be a responsible and decent citizen of world and leave a better world to the next generations. Partners: Be more than just a “supplier”, create mutual and enduring value.